ARC Review | Know Your Enemy by Tasman Anderson

Know Your Enemy



Title: Know Your Enemy
Author: Tasman Anderson
Genre: Young Adult
Publishing date: 25th August, 2015
My Rating: 4/5 stars  

*ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*


Nicole is desperate to leave Silverlake, the small town she’s spent her whole life in, and her plans for escape and her future career are all falling into place. But when the local heartthrob Aiden points out the one thing holding her back, Nicole’s response sets off a chain of bad decisions that leaves her second guessing everything she ever knew about herself.

Aiden may be devilishly handsome with a scent that gives Nic heart palpitations, but deep down she knows he is trouble. Before long, she finds herself sitting in a stolen Porsche with her hand on his knee and blood on her shoes. Does Nic have what it takes to survive in this unknown world, or is she letting her desires ruin her life?

My Take:

“Know Your Enemy”, started off as a sweet, care-free teenage life story. Atleast that’s what I thought it was when I got into this book. My favorite character in this book is Libby, Nicole’s best friend. I liked her from the beginning itself. She was the carefree, problem inducing typical teenager. Her sense of adventure kick started Nicole’s adventure that ended up changing her life.

You could feel the attraction between Aiden and Nicole every time they were around each other and behaved like enemies together but in a good way. Aiden and Nicole were best friends but then they grew up and Aiden got more popular and his popularity eventually made his friendship with Nicole take a backstand.

Libby’s idea of doing something fun and rebellious mixed with Nicole’s feeling of wanting to show Aiden that she wasn’t just the girl hiding in the library but there was still more to her changed their lives. One rash decision turned out into a series of bad decisions. The decision turned her life upside-down and all her dreams of getting out of her hometown and going into her dream college came crashing down.

Her sense of reasoning didn’t make me feel that she was doing something wrong or making bad decisions. The way she put out everything and her simple reasons for all the things she did fit correctly forming a picture that was her life.

This book is a perfect description of how teenagers sometimes take decisions without thinking about their effects in long-terms and sometimes end up with some really nasty results.

 Why would I pick it up?

Because everybody needs a reminder on how some decisions can turn out and change not only your’s but someone else’s life too.

This is nice read for a weekend. 🙂 😀 Light and with a lesson. 🙂

Get it here- 

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