The Sunshine Blogger Award!

Thank you so much Syc for nominating me! ❤ ❤ Syc’s blog has a really cute name, The Lit Mermaid. That’s quite smart too. 😉 Do check her blog out! 😀

The Rules:

Thank the person/people who nominated you. (Obviously! 😛 )
Answer the questions from your nominators. (Okay! 🙂 )
Nominate eleven other bloggers and give them eleven questions. (Ahha! 😉 )


Answers to Syc’s Questions:

1.If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?

I don’t know… Knowing when you die has to be the most craziest thing. Sigh!  I think I would want to reflect over what all I have achieved and the beauty of the real world as well as all the fantasy worlds I have lived in. ❤ I would hug the people who matter to me one last time and would kiss all my books goodbye. ❤ I would wish the people, who did not like me, hated me, tried to bring me down, in short all those negative people… I would wish them well in life and I would want to spend the last few hours alone in the nature most probably. This answer is making me sad. :/ I should stop, sorry. 🙂

2. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

Ahha! How much fun would it be if I could read the minds of people around me. 😛 😛

3. Are you allergic to anything?

Nope… I don’t think so.

4. Who’s your favorite author?

There are many, can’t choose one… I love all the authors who provide me with a story that captivates me. ❤ I am easy to please! 😀

5. Blue or green eyes?

Both. I haven’t seen someone with either color eyes in person. :/ Sad! But they sound so cool in person and look so captivating in pictures. I have a hunch that I have seen blue eyes, in person, but I don’t know if that’s my imagination.

6. Are you a member of a book club?

I need to cry… 😥 😥  Nope! My friends aren’t interested in reading and the 1 or 2, who read a bit aren’t passionate for books. We don’t have any decent libraries around and I am not aware of any book club hosted by any of the book stores. 😥 😥

7. What time do you usually get up in morning?

Don’t laugh at this but I usually get up at 4:00 am. My mom is an early bird, thanks to her hostel life so she instilled that habit in me and my younger brother. When we were younger and weren’t allowed to do most of the house work. I and my brother used to get up at 2:00 am and do housework so that we could surprise our mom. I remember how we used to stop and look at each other at every sound that broke the silence of mid-night, even if the leaf rustled. That excitement of doing what grown ups did and seeing the appreciation in our mother’s eyes felt good. Ahh… the good old memories! ❤ ❤ and now she can’t get us to do a single work. 😛

Now-a-days my sleep schedule is all messed up. I read and sleep simultaneously so I never know what time do I actually sleep and what time do I get up. 😛 I am that big a mess. 😛

8. Any goal you have for yourself?

Yes, it is related to my dream. I will surely tell all about it someday but for now… 😛

 9. What always makes you laugh?

I crack up easily. 😛 I am one crack pot! 😉

Even the lamest jokes make me laugh, like seriously how lame can that thing be. Guys who act all rough and tough and then blush as soon as they see me, usually have me in laughing tears (Am I that intimidating? 😛 ) Girls who think that makeup and revealing clothes are a definition for beauty make me laugh at their stupidity. Anything and everything that I find amusing is sure to make me laugh. 🙂

10. How do you take your coffee/tea?

I am more of a coffee person but I like the tea my little brother makes and I like my coffee with some cream, 2 spoons of sugar and the strength of the coffee differs with my mood. The best coffee is probably the one that my dad makes for me when I am studying at mid-night for my exams. ❤ (I am the type who goes through the whole course on the morning before exam, that’s all my preparation is for the exams. 😉 )

Although I must state that I don’t drink coffee much either. 😛

11. What was the last thing you geeked-out about?

I don’t think I ever geeked out about something. I am pretty cool like that! 😉

Here are the people I want to share some sunshine with: ❤ ❤ 

  1. What’s your favorite color?
  2. Which is your favorite season?
  3. If you have to wear the same style for your life, what would it be?
  4. Fashion or function?
  5. What’s your favorite genre?
  6. Do you believe in Santa? 😛
  7. Where would you like to go with your blogger friends on a holiday? 😉
  8. Where do you prefer watching movies: theater or home?
  9. Books on display or stashed away?
  10. What are your hobbies apart from reading?
  11. How would you react if I showed up in your bedroom at midnight to wish you on your birthday? 😉 😛

p.s. Never expect me to ask intellectual questions. 😛 I think we get to know people better with the little things in their life. ❤ ❤


17 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award!

  1. Great answers! I enjoyed reading your post. 🙂
    There’s got to be a book club in your school (or university) that you just haven’t learned about. Like in my case, there’s a readers’ circle in my university that I never heard of until early this year. I am planning to join whenever the members open their registration this semester (last year it was September).
    You and your brother are the sweetest. So adorable. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! 🙂

      No there isn’t and I am pretty sure of it because I am an engineering student and all we have are tech fests in which I am not a bit interested. :/
      Some of my friends try to force me in taking part in those because, well, I can code well but being good in something doesn’t mean I will be doing it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I totally understand. I’m a pharmacy student myself and also the least interested in drugs. Good thing, the organization I was talking about is university wide so it’s pretty open to everyone.
        Also, great thing to know you’re good (genius? maybe haha) in coding. I had some ‘noob’ coding classes when I was in high school and it seems kinda fun.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Not a genius, definitely. 😛 But debugging other people’s programs needs clear knowledge, right? 😛

        I love debugging the errors and my typing speed is better than most of my class (and writing speed is worst than the whole class :/ which results in me never completing my exam :/)
        I try to finish my practical before everyone else so that I could help them with their’s. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      • I seriously am not being modest. 😛 There’s a long way to go. What they teach you in college and what is required in the industry is miles apart. I will admit I am good if I create something awesome or hell even a damn project from my last year. 😛

        Aww… thank you so much. 🙂 Your name is so different and cool, even if it was Sunshine then too it would have been cool. 😛 You would be the butt of all jokes in your college like I usually am. 😛

        Every guy tries to flirt by creating a stupid rhyme for my name. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Now that was an interesting post! Thanks for nominating me. And I totally understand how you feel. I don’t have mamy friends who like to read and no book clubs around here either. I’m usually the only bookworm around here! And Mind-reading! Best super power ever. That’s what I would have chosen. But wouldn’t it be better if you could control minds too.
    *Plans world domination! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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