Liebster Award!


My first award! ❤ ❤  

Oh my God! I don’t know where to start! First off, Thank you Rae from bookmarkchronicles for nominating me! ❤ ❤ You don’t know how much it means to me! 😀


Okay, so here are the rules:

11 Random facts about me:

  1. I love chocolate, pastries and ice-creams. It will break my heart if I ever say no to any of these. 😛  
  2. I love rain! (I did a post once on it, if you would like to read, here you go.)
  3. I am a foodie! 😀
  4. I love collecting shoes. 🙂 ❤
  5. I get irritated damn fast. (People love testing my patience. :/ )
  6. I have a thing for rings. I love them! ❤ 😀
  7. I always plan on exercising and never get to it. 😛
  8. Bookstores are my version of heaven. 🙂  I can spend hours browsing through them and the light music playing in the background is just the touch needed. ❤ 😀
  9. I am an engineering student.
  10. I have my ideal house all planned. 😀 😛

Rae’s questions:

But, nevertheless, I am going to try to answer. 😛

1. Favorite book turned movie?
Harry Potter and Divergent! I haven’t read the books yet. (Don’t hate me for it.) but getting the visual version was cool. To be honest I never get around to reading the books if I have already watched the movie adaptation of. It just spoils reading for me.

2. Best memory of this summer?
Reading! ❤

3. Book series that you would recommend to anyone who loves to read.
I don’t read series much and in real life nobody around me reads, yet I always recommend them my favorite book The Thirteenth Tale.

4.Do you have a hobby aside from reading and blogging? If so, what is it/when did you start?
Writing! It started a long time ago. I think I was 9 or 10 years old when I realized I love penning things down and that love has remained constant after all these years. I also love painting, craft and just about anything that deals with creation of some sort.

5.If you had to eat one meal every night for dinner, what would it be? 

I would have selected chocolates but they sadly don’t count as meal. :/ I can’t choose, I can’t hurt the feelings of other foods, I can’t, this is cruel… 😥 I love food, don’t ask me to choose. :/

6. Favorite author?
I don’t usually have favorites but there are few like: Diane Setterfield, Sidney Sheldon, Nicholas Sparks, Dan Brown and to be honest I like all the authors who give me a good story. I am easy to please. 😛

7. What fictional character would you choose to be your best friend?

Hermione Granger! ❤ Weasley twins would do too! 😛

8. If you started another blog, what would it be about?
I don’t think I would enjoy blogging about anything else other than what I already do but on second thoughts, maybe a daily life updates thing.

9. What is your favorite snack? 
Do chocolates count as snacks? 😛

10. If you could change one thing about your life (if anything), what would it be?

My laziness. Arghh!


This award is by bloggers, to bloggers, so, here are my nominations:

  1. Aira Reads
  2. Stargazerpuj’s book blog
  3. Bond with books
  4. Yasimone
  5. The book goddess
  6. The YApage
  7. Reader Rayna
  8. Twenty-first century fangirl
  9. 1booklife
  10. The Book Harpy
  11. a novel glimpse

I discovered many new blogs for nominating. Phew… some work it was. 😛

My questions for you:

  1.  What is/are your favorite quote(s)?
  2. What places would you like to visit and why?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. Which book you wish you would’ve written?
  5. Physical books or ebooks? Why?
  6. Who is your role model?
  7. What is your favorite comfort food?
  8. What is your dream job?
  9. When did you buy your first book?
  10. How did you choose the name of your blog?

p.s. If you have already done it or don’t wish to do it, it’s your choice. 🙂 

16 thoughts on “Liebster Award!

  1. Well done for getting this award. You must be thrilled. Quick question if you don’t mind me asking … do you have to create your own banners (if thats what they are called) for the liebster award if you get nominated? I wouldn’t know where to start :/ xx

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