Back to the Classics Challenge 2019

I have not read even a single classic and I am kind of embarrassed of the fact. I have quite a few on my bookshelf but can’t make myself pick any of the books up. This challenge can help me finally get down to reading classics.

This challenge is hosted by the blog “Books and Chocolate” and you can sign up for the challenge and read the guidelines here.

There are 12 categories in this challenge. You can complete 6, 9, or 12 for the drawing in the giveaway that the blog hosts. I am aiming for 12 because this is about me reading classics and a decent number of them to that.

1. 19th Century Classic: 

2.  20th Century Classic: 

3. Classic by a Woman Author:

4. Classic in Translation:

5. Classic Comic Novel:

6. Classic Tragic Novel:

7. Very Long Classic:

8. Classic Novella:

9. Classic From the Americas (includes the Caribbean):

10. Classic From Africa, Asia, or Oceania (includes Australia):

11. Classic From a Place You’ve Lived:

12. Classic Play:

I will have a playlist on YouTube to keep track of my progress and will also be updating this post with the books I read.

I have decided on making a reading journal to log this challenge as well as the others I am participating in, this video shows my journal.

If you are participating in this or any other reading challenge, leave a link in the comments so that I can visit and get in touch with me on social media so that we can keep track of and support each other in this reading journey.

Happy Reading!


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