ARC Review | Via Roma by Mary Melfi

Via Roma


Title: Via Roma
Author: Mary Melfi
Genre: General Fiction
Publishing date: 1st November, 2015
Published by: Guernica Editions
Pages: 200 

My Rating: 2/5 stars  


*ARC received from the author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*


A story of love and lust with philosophical overtones, Via Roma oscillates between joy and tragedy. Drawn to and intrigued by two men of Italian descent, both equally smart, loyal and attractive, Sophie Wolfe, a native-born Montrealer, chooses one over the other, setting into motion a series of events that culminates in the death of her husband. Part murder mystery, part road trip, this novel asks the question: “Why do people die?” Sophie journeys into the heart of the Italian mainland and discovers this country’s wondrous abilities to restore health and happiness to those who grieve. Intensely erotic, outspoken, earthy without being clinically pornographic or gushy, Via Roma is a metaphysical exploration of love, suspense, suffering and redemption.

My Take:

Part murder mystery, part road trip, this novel asks the question: “Why do people die?”

This line is what sold me on the boy. I love mysteries, I love road trips, add a little philosophy and you have me interested.

The synopsis wasn’t very promising, so I didn’t have much hope for this book and boy, was I right!

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For the life of me I couldn’t remember what the book was actually about. I had a hard time getting into the story and even harder time trying to remember what was on the page before. If I put the book down and start after some time then I couldn’t even remember reaching there.

Keeping track of the events was a task in itself. I cannot tell you much about the story because I cannot seem to remember what happened, all I remember is feeling confused and wanting the story to end.

The writing style wasn’t the most beautiful I have ever seen. It was very confusing. Either it was too rich or trying to be. It sure did have some beautiful lines but that’s about it.

It has some beautiful sentences about love and loss.

Via Roma oscillates between joy and tragedy.

This is what I got from the book, to be honest. The philosophy is also okay but the book failed to hold my attention which might have been the reason that I forgot about it as soon as I put it down. To be fair, that started while I was reading it.

I’ve marked out some beautiful lines from the book. Enjoy! ❤ 😉











































Why would I pick it up?

Image result for reading sad gif animated

To check out what I missed.

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