3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge #2 | DAY 1

I was tagged by the lovely Anne @ Anne-thology of Books. Thank you so much, dear, for tagging me. 😀
She tagged me on August 30th and I am getting around to it now. I am really sorry for that. All of my tags and awards have been sitting for 2 months but now they will all come free. 😛

You can check out my first 3 Days, 3 Quotes challenge here- Day 1Day 2Day 3  😀

I have always been in love with quotes and when you get a chance of sharing the quotes that make a difference in your life and help in shaping you as a person, it is difficult to select from the many quotes that have been a part of you! 😀

So, for this challenge I have decided to use 3 quotes that keep me going in my hard times. Everyone needs a boost when they feel low and these quotes pump me up. 😉 😀

The rules are pretty simple, here they go- 😀 

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days.
  • Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Here’s the first one!  

I believe in it with my whole heart. If it’s too easy it isn’t worth it. I like working hard for getting what I dream. 😀

For this challenge I want to tag the people I found recently. 😉

So, the first three people I would love to tag are: 

(I feel like I am cheating here, that makes it 5 people but then it’s still three blogs. 😛 )

Spread the love with awesome quotes!  

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